Monday, June 15, 2009

My Pretty Cottage Roses

Just a post to let you know how my roses are doing in my garden this spring... We bought an arbor last year and planted two rose bushes on either side of it. The poor things weathered the Santa Ana winds that whip through the side of our house with gusts anywhere from 60-100 mph. Sometimes I swear the roof sounds like it's going to rip off! Then they get so dried out too from the dryness of the high winds, so they go through a lot of stress... But now that it's almost summer and they get their daily water and sunshine, they are happy campers out on the side of the house, over my garden gate.

I picked about a quart of strawberries this afternoon, but a quarter of them have bug holes--bummer. Our cherry tomato volunteers are pluggin along putting out a tomato here and there and the new basil plant is happily getting situated in the sunny spot the last one did that thrived until last November, as long as I topped it now and then. I just froze the leaves we couldn't eat right away, after washing, and we had pesto through Christmas--yum!
I loved the pictures we took at Roger's Gardens like this morning glory. It just looks like there's a light glowing out of the middle and it fascinates me... And the color is just so regal! I'm not allowed to have any in our garden since they are near impossible to remove from your garden once they get established and take over, but I still like them nonetheless...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Secret to a Healthy "Cottage"

I know I have a passion for making our "beach cottage" as user friendly and welcoming as possible, but sometimes I have a hard time keeping it that way because my physical temple can't keep up with everything that is required. As I age, I've noticed that when I don't make the time and effort to exercise and eat properly, my energy lags and my positive outlook suffers; about myself, my service to God, and fulfilling my God-given duties as a wife.

It's no secret to most people who know me that peri-menopause has been quite a painful and tumultous time for me--off and on, of course--but still it hasn't been a walk in the park--nor were the years before that when I was cursed with the dreaded PMS. Since I've been a full-time homemaker, I've had the time to read a lot of books on health and diet and healthy lifestyle. None of it really clicked until I read "The Zone".

Turns out that I was eating way too many carbs, not being conscious of how much protein I was getting, and not the right types and amounts of fats to eat. We need all of these, but in certain amounts according to our activity levels, size and gender.
When we take in more than food we need, it's a no brainer that we will gain weight and we'll basically be "backed up" since the body can only process so much at one time. That bloated feeling, that heavy, lethargic feeling, the headaches, the body aches, the emotional roller coasters are side affects of overload.

But the secret that I found to be the most enlightening to my middle-aged body was that it was the ease attaining and consuming way, way, way to many carbs. Now that the gov't has endoursed the Pyramid Diet, many think we can eat lots of any kind of carbs and not pay attention to portion size or being careful to not eat so much that your insulin levels don't rise to high.
I learned the magic formula for staying healthy and relatively slim. This is it-- and it's so simple!
Carbs raise our insulin levels and insulin stores and holds on to fat. Easy, huh?

Here's the other side--Proteins raise our glycogen levels and glycogen releases fat! If you just remember those two things and apply them, and get the enough of the nutrients you require throughout the day, you have it made.

That is "The Zone" in a nutshell; by stabilizing blood sugar levels we have more energy, better sleep, better mood, less aches and pains, bloating goes away and you feel lighter; everything works better since we are giving the body what it needs, no more, no less. No, it's not an exact science; it's a range you will fall into--the zone--that when you get there you will feel in sync with yourself.

I can purposely fudge a little now that I know what I need to do to feel good and lose weight when I want to. I know later that that's what I did and why I have a headache and feel cranky; I know I can jump back on the happy Zone wagon whenever I want to feel better.

I'm so thankful that I had the time and took the time to read "Enter The Zone"; it is the first in the Zone series that explains everything and the many ways eating this way can stave off many of the degenerative diseases of older age and keep on an even keel. I was in a lot of pain from stomach problems and acid reflux, and my main reason for reading it was to reduce inflammation, since that is one of the selling points of The Zone. Since I have suffered off and on for 7 years with the reflux, I was motivated to understand how it works and to try it. I'm glad I did because it worked, and I am doing much better, and have dropped 5 lbs in 2 months. If I would have added more exercise, it probably would have been more!

My heart's desire is to for everyone who will listen and try to understand and apply this to experience the satisfaction of knowing you can be in control if you learn how to stabilize your blood sugar because that is what makes everyone feel like they can't control their wacky cravings and unhealthy choices. We can have all the determination in the world, but until we learn how get what we need when we need it, it's a losing battle. There's hope though; with just a little effort it can be done, and it's simple.

PS An average woman needs 10 grams good fat, 20 grams lean protein, and 30 grams healthy, low-starch carbs at each of three meals. Add 2 snacks (4 hrs after lunch and 4hrs after dinner) approx. 1/3 the amounts at the regular meals and you have a balanced diet!
Whew, I know this is a long one, but it's important to know we don't have to suffer if we don't want to!!!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Pretty Braiding on Anna Maria Horner's Blog

I guess I need to learn how to display the actual picture, but click on this address to see the cutest little braiding job I've ever seen. Someday it would be nice to try that on sweet Leilei! After she gets over the aversion to her brush and comb. It is necessary to actually make contact with the head to achieve this look... For now, I can just dream of our little princess with princess braids.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Feelin' Beachy...

It was a beautiful, warm week this week; a nice, sunny day gets me into a beachy groove... This time of year, it feels good to go into the living room and see soft colors and pretty shells.

Even SweetPea the cat likes the comfortable and casual beachy decor...

Here's the 'ol coffee table loaded with my favorite magazines and lots o shells...

Can't get enough of those shells! My boy, Buttons loves to lie in the sun in the courtyard--even when it's 90 plus degrees outside...
I saw the most beautiful picnic basket topped with a pile of sea shells the other day at a craft show in Brea; now I'm on a search for a picnic basket to make my own. It was just gorgeous, but I just couldn't bring myself to shell out 80 bucks for it!!!
I'm having fun making our home into a little sea cottage oasis; a place to rest and retreat. It's nice to have a place where I can be myself, let my hair down and let it all hang out (so to speak..).

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Time-out for Travel

We're back from visiting relatives for 9 days in Arizona and attending some spring training games; it's so good to be home in my little "Sea Cottage". Before we left, and friend and I went to a craft show and I purchased a sign for my entry way....

Here's a closer look...

I was so in the groove for a little change that I got out my other sea-inspired decorations!

The two oil paintings were done by an artist in Laguna Beach...

I like to put shells everywhere!

And hang color-coordinated coats and sweaters in the entry...

Ahhh, some words to live by!
And a pretty wall hanging I got at the Rose Bowl fleamarket last winter...
One of my old favorites from my sister Shell...

I'm so glad Spring is here; now I feel like it's time to lighten up a little bit and enjoy the beautiful flowers and fragrances and warm sunshine. This is my favorite time of year, before it gets yucky hot!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Beads and Buttons

I've been collecting and accumulating beads and buttons for some time now because just love to put them together in folk-artsy ways. These pictures were taken awhile ago to enjoy just how cool they look together...

Every year there is an international bead show in Santa Ana, so for a few years now I've picked up several strands there, and there are African bead sellers at the Rose Bowl Fleamarket that I like to buy from, and we even stopped at Quartsite on the way back from Arizona after being exposedto a huge variety of beads at a killer bead store in Scottsdale, where I also had to purchase a few strands... Whoa, girl!!!
I collect old western concha-like silver buttons to use for the clasp at the back; just love that little detail since sometimes I get into a "cowgirl" vibe also--down to the concha belts, bolos, and boots--yehaaaaw!!!

A lot of the buttons you see are from my dear Mom's collection that she saved and I think quite a few were passed down from my sweet Grandma's collection. Having them on the necklace amongst the beads has a special meaning--of times past and a wistful longing for the simple life...

My good friend, Fran, owner and artist of the fabulous craft stamp company Stampendous travels worldwide and sometimes asks if she can bring me back anything from her travels. "Beads are small", I utter sheepishly... She brought back the flat ceramic beads from Africa and also some from France which I still have in my special stash... What a great friend!!!

My other passion is to look for interesting beaded necklaces at yard sales and such and reassemble them into fantastic art pieces!! It's loads of fun and there's nothing like it for a person that adores a cultural, folk art, earthy embellished style. I'm all about celebrating life and the gift of creativity--each person being free to express what's in their heart...

Friday, February 27, 2009

Spring is Coming!!!

March is almost here, and you know what that means--out with the red and in with the green! I have to admit I just have a hodge podge collection of green things to decorate with this month, but it's still nice to transition into spring colors and leave behind the red--for now...



A little bit of Holly....

Now for some greenish tea cups....

A little yellow for some spring color....

Another greenie....

Oops, a leftover from Christmas, but green still....

Now for some old fashioned flowery fun from my dear Grandma's, Grand Aunt's, and Mom's cards that they saved over the years--God bless 'um....

Monday, February 23, 2009

Pink Tea Cups & Leilei

Pink tea cups against a sea green background is so pretty. I just had to start one of these girly blogs to collect pretty "fantasy world" pictures... A place to collect pictures of pretty and feminine things.